We are excited to have so many of our children moving into adulthood and transitioning into higher education. Additional support is needed for each of these students to allow them to more forward with the next level of learning the skills necessary to be a successful leader and member of their community.

In Uganda, there are three levels of early education - Nursery (like our Pre-K through K), Primary School (P1-P7, like our 1st - 7th grades) and Secondary School (S1-S6, like our 8th - 12th grades, plus one more grade like a 13th grade). The secondary students have the option of graduating at S4 if they'd like to continue to a trade school or certification program. Those who want to continue to university will continue to S6. The school year begins late January/ early February and ends about mid-November to early December with three terms and three week breaks between terms. Their break between school years at the end of the secular year is their dry season, the warmest time of year in southern Uganda, which can get up to 85 or 90 degrees. University is in semesters more like the US school year at all levels, beginning in January and August.


The children at UOCC are all true orphans. They have no living family that we could find. Many of their families died tragically when they were young. More than half of these children would not be alive without UOCC. The survivors would be barely getting by, looking for food in the streets. There are no government services for children like these and the people rarely offer support as they're barely supporting their own families.

Your support will enable us to continue each student's education and continue the steps towards breaking the cycle of poverty and hardship that these children have come from. You can be instrumental in effecting this change in their lives now and into the future. Allowing them to become leaders and productive members of their communities.

The average amount needed per student for the higher education portion comes out to $200.00 monthly or $2400 for the year. This is in addition to the costs for food, living, medical and the other daily expenses that come up for each child. That is why you will see 9 shares listed for sponsorship. Full sponsorship covering all needs would be $360 per month. 

**You can support this effort by clicking on SPONSORSHIPS above on this page to choose a student to connect to and support monthly or do a one time donation. 

**You can also do a one time donation to the Higher Education fund by using the quick links to the right. You have the option of doing a one time or a recurring gift. These funds will be shared to cover the total expenses for these students.


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Higher Education Sponsorship & Funding

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Achom Esther

Days Waiting: 369

Age: 25

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Butundu Joyce

Days Waiting: 31

Age: 22

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Emuna Isaac

Days Waiting: 87

Age: 23

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Etietu Andrew

Days Waiting: 31

Age: 21

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Lubandi Moses

Days Waiting: 29

Age: 21

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Mugala Babra

Days Waiting: 828

Age: 21

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Nakisige Lillian

Days Waiting: 166

Age: 22

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Nangobi Sandra

Days Waiting: 423

Age: 25

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Nantalia Peace

Days Waiting: 177

Age: 19

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Oroma Simon Peter

Days Waiting: 423

Age: 21

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